NOTICE: Recent update of the Berks Cousins database. Over 8000 additional individuals added. Many corrections. Check it out.
Contained here will be whatever we can digitize and post for the members of the Berks County Genealogical Society only. It has been the Societies hope to provide on line resources from the library for those members who cannot visit us. Hopefully you will find the resources here worth the membership price.
What we post will of course be limited to what we can digitize. And of course what we feel will have the most universal interest. Journals and Branches will be posted for a limited time. This will be another option in lieu of printed copies, which were just too cost prohibited for our small organization. NOTE: You can download and save the Publications on your computer. When the file is open, look in the upper right corner for a icon of a page with a down arrow. Double click on that and a window will open, to save file or open file with Adobe Reader.
Surname List
We are in the process of compiling a new and improved Surname List containing contact information of members who are researching certain Surnames. If you would like to add a Surname to the list, please contact Guy Bierman.
Comments, pro and con, are solicited. Send to info@berksgenes.org
Revised 10 June 2016