The Society holds regular meetings throughout the year except in December and January. An integral part of each meeting is a talk given by a noted speaker on topics related to genealogical and historical research. See the full calendar below. All General Meetings are held on the third Thursday of the month, at 6:30 PM. in the BCGS Library. Remember, doors open at 6 PM. Refreshments will be served before the program. Programs are free to Society members, donation requested from non-members.
The society also holds one dinner meeting and one picnic each year. The June Dinner Meeting and the Annual Picnic are held at various locations.
Periodically the Society conducts workshops, seminars, and trips for members and the general public which relate to genealogical research, methodology, and various other related activities.
2025 Meetings
- Still FREE parking in the rear. Construction is done at rear (Main) entrance. Now enter right off the free parking lot. Reminder, the library now has FREE ACCESS to and
- Thursday, March 20 @ 6:30pm
- Guest speaker, Dave Smoots, Historian, will speak on Civil War Surgeons. Doors open at 6 p.m. Snacks served. Bring a guest.
- Guest speaker will be Jonathan Bond from the Albany Township Historical Society. Doors open at 6 p.m. Bring a guest.
- Saturday, December 14 @ 3-4pm
- Santa will be in the library all day, bring the children. A short Beginners class will be held 3 to 4. At the Society library on the fourth floor of the GoggleWorks Center for the Arts, 201 Washington St., Reading.
- EVERY Sunday in March | 3-4pm
- National Genealogy Day is March 12th. Berks County Genealogy Society will be celebrating the entire month of March. It’s time to start gathering your ancestors. Every Sunday in March will be an open house in the library and from 3 PM to 4 PM we will conduct a FREE beginner’s class on how to get started with your family research and use of the library. That’s a FREE class March 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th. No RSVP required. At this writing a mask is required to enter the GoggleWorks but masks are optional in the library. Our library is open every day, noon to 4 PM, at the GoggleWorks. Free parking at rear of building.
- Saturday, February 17 from 1-4pm
- The BCGS is having a Brick Wall Session at the Society library on the fourth floor of the Goggle Works Center for the Arts, 201 Washington St., Reading. Come and sit down with some experienced members who hopefully can provide some tips on how to break down that brick wall with your research. Bring your stuff.
- Thursday, April 18 @ 6:30pm
- Brad Kissam, Volunteer at Daniel Boone Homestead will speak on Oley Valley Colonial Families. Doors open at 6 p.m. Admission is Free.
- Thursday, May 16 @ 6:30pm
- Brian Englehardt from Berks History Center will speak on Berks County Indians.
- Thursday, October 19 @ 6:30pm
- Les Rohrbach, President of Berks County Association for Graveyard Preservation Society, will be the speaker. Doors open at 6pm. Bring a friend.
- Light refreshments available.
- Sunday, March 8 | 12-4pm
- BCGS 40th Anniversary Celebration
- Members! - Help us celebrate the Members! Help us celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Berks County Genealogical Society by sending a three generational chart family tree to us at We would like to paper the library with them.
- If you prefer, you can send a paper copy to us at:
Berks County Genealogical Society
201 Washington Street, Room 413
Reading, PA 19601 - Free one-hour How to Get Started class from 3 - 4pm.
- Beginning Wednesday, July 15
- Visit the Library by appointment only. New Library Hours: Wed - Fri: 2:30 - 6pm; Sat and Sun: noon - 4pm.
- A mask will be required to enter the GoggleWorks. Please call the library during open hours to make an appointment at 484-509-4806. Or email to: To permit social distancing only 5 researchers will be permitted in library at one time. Library staff will be wiping down surfaces after your visit.
Upcoming Events
- Saturday, November 4, 11:30 - 2:30 | The BCGS Library has been upgraded to a barcode system with a computer-based catalog. We will be hosting an open house immediately following our volunteer appreciation luncheon. All members & guests are welcome & encouraged to join us for the lunch buffet, and then stay for a tour of the library and orientation to the new system.
- Beginner Genealogy Workship
- Monday, May 7 @ 6:30pm at the Spring Township Library | If you are new at genealogy but have wanted to know more about it. Betty Sustello from the Berks County Genealogical Society will be giving a presentation about what it takes to start your research into the genealogy of your family history.
- Genealogy 101: Beginner Series at BCGS
- Berks County Genealogical Society is offering a series of four classes for the beginning genealogist. Classes will meet in the society's library, Room 413 at the GoggleWorks Center for the Arts, 201 Washington Street, Reading, PA 19601.
- Dates: Sunday, Feb 15, Feb 22, Mar 1, and Mar 8
- Time: 12:00 - 4:00 p.m.
- Cost: $40 per person for 4 classes, includes use of the library on class days.
- The topics covered are:
Week 1 (2/15) - Getting Started and Record Keeping
Week 2 (2/22) - Local Resources
Week 3 (3/1) - Using Society Library
Week 4 (3/8) - Using the Internet - Students must preregister by calling the library any day between noon and 4:00 at (484) 509-4806 or email to: Fee is payable at the first class session with cash, check or credit card. Class size is limited, so register now!
- BCGS Volunteer Fair
- Saturday, October 27, from 12:30 - 3:30pm - All organizations that are 100% volunteer run are always looking for help. We are no exception. Usually when we ask for help it is for the library. But, there are other places we could use help. We are having a Volunteer Fair to let people know the other areas where there are openings. More »
- Ongoing in the BCGS Library
- BCGS Book Sale - Everything must go!! Find a gift for the genealogist on your list, or something similar. Prices have been slashed to move the merchandise before we have to give up the space. First come, first served. Book Sale List
- Reading Eagle Digitizing Project Update
- Currently, our microfilm is still at IMR, undergoing the digitization process. It has, however, had some issues. The finished product of some of the rolls was sent to us for our inspection. The purpose of this process was to make the films searchable, but that feature is not working properly. We are working with IMR to see if we can remedy the problem. We will keep you informed. As we raise more funds, another batch will be sent. Thank you for your donations! More »
- Sunday, March 10 | 12 - 4pm
- The Berks County Genealogical Society will hold an Open House on Sunday, March 10, to commemorate National Genealogy Day and to celebrate our 39th anniversary. Join us in Room 413 at the GoggleWorks Center for the Arts, 201 Washington Street, Reading, PA 19601 from noon to 4 p.m. for refreshments. From 2-3pm, Hallie Vaughn will give a program on the "Hello Girls" of World War I. In 1918, John Pershing recruited over 200 switchboard operators to work for the Army Signal Corps at the French front lines. These were America's first women soldiers, but they had to fight for recognition! A FREE one-hour How to Get Started class at 3 pm will be conducted for those in attendanc.
Sites & Sounds of Historic Berks - 3/23/2015
BCGS In The News
BCGS Holding Open House - Reading Eagle (3/15/2014)
BCGS Tracing Roots - Reading Eagle (6/23/2013)